The Shining Analysis

Scene 1: “RedRum”

The scene opens with a steady tracking shot which then pans out to show a larger section of the room. There is a clear presence of low-key lighting which is then justified by the lamp which is placed on the bedside cabinet. The focus of the scene is the child Danny, who is of a significance as his psychological visions allow him to understand the situation with his Father better than his Mother.

Interestingly the lamp highlights the door which is a key prop within the Mise-en-scene. As the camera pans to the left we see Danny’s mum lying in bed. This initially foreshadows danger as we know Jack has escaped from the storage cupboard and is determined to kill Wendy. Danny then picks up a knife and then holds it upwards to exaggerate its’ significance and danger. The camera then tracks Danny to the mirror, then the sequence cuts to an eye level shot of Danny. In which we can see his facial expression, and the fact that he is looking down at the knife. This connotes that he is inspecting the knife; as he is only a small child and this is likely to be the first time he has held a sharp knife.

This is an enigma code because at this point we are not sure whether he intends to use the knife himself or this is a psychological warning to his mother. Meanwhile in the background on the dressing table there is a single red rose. The rose itself carries many connotations of love; however it may represent the broken love between Jack and Wendy. Furthermore the red itself also foreshadows death which then links in with Danny holding a knife, this enforces the enigma code of Danny holding the knife. However the fact that it is implied that the Rose would most likely have chamfered Jack this points towards Danny foreshadowing that his Wendy will die. This is presented further by the fact that the knife Danny is holding is perfectly clean. Although this seems insignificant at first when we take in the later established connotations this is the final implicit clue that Danny is no threat to Wendy.

We then hear the diegetic sound of Danny chanting “RedRum”. He says this in a demonic voice which suggests he is possessed in some form. Additionally we know that he can see psychological visions and is telepathic. Meaning that if there are any ghost or demonic spirits present (which we know there is) then he can hear them. Staying with the same shot which tracks his movement as he picks up red lipstick. Once again continuing the connotation of death and broken love. He holds the lipstick up against the knife suggesting that they are equal in their significance. He then turns and makes his way to the door the camera stays at the same level and tracks him. Interestingly never showing him from the front only from the side. This enforces the pre-established enigma code as we are slightly in the dark. The door then comes into shot. However this time there is more of a shadow cast upon the door by the lamp, meanwhile the non diegetic sound of the soundtrack that creates tension and sounds extra terrestrial. As the camera continues to follow him he begins to write “RedRum” on the door.

At this point i felt suspense as i had already inferred that the door will play a significant role in the scene, especially as Danny had previously seen “RedRum” in a vision. At this point the camera pans out so we can now see Wendy lying in bed asleep. This creates a sense of fear as it leaves her vulnerable. As Danny moves closer towards the bed the camera stays with the trend of tracking his movement, the tense music continues to be played. In fact all that can be heard is the non diegetic sound of the music and Danny shouting “RedRum” as he approaches the bed . Soon he is screeching so loud he awakes Wendy who bolts up and screams. Simultaneously the music crescendos.

Meanwhile in the foreground of the scene on the bedside cabinet the lamp which creates the only source of light in the room is now wonky; this represents a disorganised and dangerous version of reality which as no logic. Further on the table is what appears to be a toy army tank, this represents both the violence which will soon come and the innocence of Danny as it is a children’s toy, yet this itself could be seen as a oxymoron.

Scene 2: “Here’s Johnny”

This scene uses intertextuality for both the reference to the tonight show (“Here’s Johnny”) and the three little pigs

The scene opens with a steady tracking shot which then pans out to show a larger section of the room. There is a clear presence of low-key lighting which is then justified by the lamp which is placed on the bedside cabinet. The focus of the scene is the child Danny, who is of a significance as his psychological visions allow him to understand the situation with his Father better than his Mother.

Interestingly the lamp highlights the door which is a key prop within the Mise-en-scene. As the camera pans to the left we see Danny’s mum lying in bed. This initially foreshadows danger as we know Jack has escaped from the storage cupboard and is determined to kill Wendy. Danny then picks up a knife and then holds it upwards to exaggerate its’ significance and danger. The camera then tracks Danny to the mirror, then the sequence cuts to an eye level shot of Danny. In which we can see his facial expression, and the fact that he is looking down at the knife. This connotes that he is inspecting the knife; as he is only a small child and this is likely to be the first time he has held a sharp knife.

This is an enigma code because at this point we are not sure whether he intends to use the knife himself or this is a psychological warning to his mother. Meanwhile in the background on the dressing table there is a single red rose. The rose itself carries many connotations of love; however it may represent the broken love between Jack and Wendy. Furthermore the red itself also foreshadows death which then links in with Danny holding a knife, this enforces the enigma code of Danny holding the knife. However the fact that it is implied that the Rose would most likely have chamfered Jack this points towards Danny foreshadowing that his Wendy will die. This is presented further by the fact that the knife Danny is holding is perfectly clean. Although this seems insignificant at first when we take in the later established connotations this is the final implicit clue that Danny is no threat to Wendy.

We then hear the diegetic sound of Danny chanting “RedRum”. He says this in a demonic voice which suggests he is possessed in some form. Additionally we know that he can see psychological visions and is telepathic. Meaning that if there are any ghost or demonic spirits present (which we know there is) then he can hear them. Staying with the same shot which tracks his movement as he picks up red lipstick. Once again continuing the connotation of death and broken love. He holds the lipstick up against the knife suggesting that they are equal in their significance. He then turns and makes his way to the door the camera stays at the same level and tracks him. Interestingly never showing him from the front only from the side. This enforces the pre-established enigma code as we are slightly in the dark. The door then comes into shot. However this time there is more of a shadow cast upon the door by the lamp, meanwhile the non diegetic sound of the soundtrack that creates tension and sounds extra terrestrial. As the camera continues to follow him he begins to write “RedRum” on the door.

At this point i felt suspense as i had already inferred that the door will play a significant role in the scene, especially as Danny had previously seen “RedRum” in a vision. At this point the camera pans out so we can now see Wendy lying in bed asleep. This creates a sense of fear as it leaves her vulnerable. As Danny moves closer towards the bed the camera stays with the trend of tracking his movement, the tense music continues to be played. In fact all that can be heard is the non diegetic sound of the music and Danny shouting “RedRum” as he approaches the bed . Soon he is screeching so loud he awakes Wendy who bolts up and screams. Simultaneously the music crescendos.

Meanwhile in the foreground of the scene on the bedside cabinet the lamp which creates the only source of light in the room is now wonky; this represents a disorganised and dangerous version of reality which as no logic. Further on the table is what appears to be a toy army tank, this represents both the violence which will soon come and the innocence of Danny as it is a children’s toy, yet this itself could be seen as a oxymoron.


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