(British) Independant film: The Grand Budapest hotel

Release date:

7th March 2014 (Limited)

28th March (Wide)

Certificate: 15

production Budget: $25,000,000

Distributor: Fox Searchlight


Domestic: $59,301,24

Foreign: $115,500,000

Worldwide: $174,801,324

Opening weekend: $811,166


Screen Shot 2016-12-08 at 09.49.37.png Ralph Fiennes is a well known British actor (Harry Potter)

As is Jeff Goldblum, (Jurassic Park)

Willem Dafoe (The Fault in our stars)

To conclude there are many well known actors in the film

which contributed to its’ success





the official trailer released on youtube

In which all the major actors where listed as this was a key part of the marketing scheme and was the key selling point. The film was very well marketed the uk and was considered to be one of the major films of the year. This included many advertising sports.

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The film was very well received and this helped to boost its’ popularity.

Ultimately the film was a success because it was well marketed and contained a cast of established actors that people wanted to see, as they where confident that it would be a high quality film; to ensure this reviews and high star ratings where used during the marketing scheme.


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